- No contact with the flat mops and the frame
Thanks to the special clamps, the flat mops are unlocked directly into the waste bucket in an easy and
intuitive way, without using the hands.
Thanks to the innovative TOUCH FREE frame, the flat mop is unlocked directly into the bucket, thus
avoiding the release of dirt on the floor, just like it happens with traditional cleaning systems. In this way,
there is no unlocking operation of the velcro flat mop close to the operator’s face; this reduces the risk of
germ and dirt inhalation.
- A remarkable reduction of cross-contamination
In order to get an optimal result, we recommend the use of TOUCH FREE SYSTEM with:
Dispenser for disposable impregnated cloths: the operator has to replace the impregnated cloth before
starting the cleaning operation of each room.
Three color coded buckets: help prevent cross-contamination.
- It avoids the bending of the operator’s back
Thanks to this innovative system, the operator can unlock the used flat mop directly into the bucket
without bending his back.
The operator makes less movements thus speeding-up the cleaning operations and reducing the risk
of injuries
The frame without velcro doesn’t wear, thus offering a longer duration. The flat mops with pockets
last longer and are resistant to frequent washings.
- Water and detergents saving
Reducing as much as possible the amount of detergents is an advantage for the operator’s health and for the
environment as well.
VDM pre-impregnation system drastically reduces the quantity of necessary detergent and water.
The innovative TOUCH FREE SYSTEM grants high quality cleaning performances, remarkably reducing
working times and fatigue.